Repairing & Replacing Grills
To Fix or To Replace?
The first step is determining if it’s better to fix or replace. This is pretty much a personal choice. We replace and remodel existing outdoor kitchens to help bring life back to your outdoor living space. No matter what the space, your ideal outdoor kitchen can fit anywhere!

When do I know it is time to replace my old grill vs repair?
When the cost to rebuild/refurbish your grill becomes half or more of the cost of replacement, it is always recommended to replace it. If your old grill has any crack or hole within the main body/firebox, you replace it. Most professional grill manufacturers have strong warranties for their products. In most cases, parts will be covered under warranty replacement for 5-15 years, for the original grill owner. This helps offset major repair costs when they become necessary. We can help navigate this process for our homeowners.
Grill Brands we Carry

PHONE: (843) 926-0046
Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
Monday: Appointment Only
874 Orleans Rd, Suite 1, Charleston, SC 29407